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Individual taxation
and community charges

Personal assets tax/ vermogensbelasting

Municipal property tax/ onroerendezaakbelasting

Waste collection charge/ afvalstoffenheffing

Sewerage charge/ rioolheffing             

Water authority tax /waterschapsbelasting

Homeowner association fees/ VvE bijdrage

Ground lease/ erfpacht                           

Personal assets tax

Nonresident individuals are liable to pay tax on their assets in the Netherlands.

For 2024, a flat tax of 36% is levied on the deemed yield of the net assets. As of 2017, the applicable deemed rental yield depends on the value of the assets and they are taxed at progressive rates. For 2024, there is a standard deduction of €57 000 for each individual. 

Examples personal assets tax 2024

Asset value

Taxfree threshold

Taxable amount


Effective tax rate

€250 000

€57 000

€193 000

€4 197

1,68 %

Asset value

Taxfree threshold

Taxable amount


Effective tax rate

€550 000

€57 000

€493 000

€10 720

1,95 %

Examples personal assets tax 2025

Asset value

Taxfree threshold

Taxable amount


Effective tax rate

€250 000

€57 684

€192 316

€4 071

1,63 %

Asset value

Taxfree threshold

Taxable amount


Effective tax rate

€550 000

€57 684

€492 316

€10 421

1,89 %

Municipal property tax

This is an annual flat tax levied on the official listed value (WOZ value) of the real estate property. The rates differ by the municipaliy. Municipal Property Tax rates for residences in some cities in 2025:


Amsterdam     0,0577 %


The Hague       0,0523 %


Rotterdam       0,0674 %

Sewerage charges

The owners of residential properties, houseboats and business premises pay annual sewerage charges for their connection to the sewer. The fixed rate for home owners in Amsterdam in 2025 is  €185,20 -  per premise.

Waste collection charges

Tenants or owner-residents pay a waste collection charge (afvalstoffenheffing) for the collection and disposal of household waste. The amount depends on the number of residents in the household.

Waste collection tax in 2025 in Amsterdam

€352 for single-person households;

€469 for multi-person households (two or more people, including babies and children).

Water authority tax

The Regional Public Water Authorities charges a water authority tax, which pays maintenance of dykes and running water, water management and water purification. The water tax is levied on the WOZ property value.

Ground lease fee

Ground lease refers to the rent of the land on which your property is situated. The leaseholder in this case is the municipality. Buying a property the owner signs a lease for the right to use the ground for a certain period of time (timeslot or tijdvak). In a leasehold, the owner pays the leaseholder a ground rent (canon).

Homeowner Association fees

HOA fees have a couple of intended purposes: to keep shared spaces within a community maintained and to create rules that prevent a single homeowner from making a change to their home that lowers everyone’s property values.

What do HOA fees cover?

Insurance. This only includes insurance for damage to areas within the purview of the HOA, such as common spaces or the outside of the building if you live in a condo. You’ll still need an individual insurance policy to cover everything you’re responsible for.

Lawn care. Common areas that require lawn care and gardening will be taken care of by the HOA. Snow removal for shared roads and parking lots may also be included as part of your fees.

Maintenance and repairs. A part of your monthly fees will also be allocated to maintaining and repairing common areas and shared structures. This can include the outside walls and roof of the building (if you’re in a condo), parking lots and neighborhood roads.

Amenities and services. Some HOA communities include access to amenities such as a fitness center for all the residents. The HOA may also provide certain security services. High-end communities have the highest HOA fees, often exceeding a couple of hundred euros per month.

Reserve funds. A portion of the fees you pay will be set aside into the HOA’s reserve, which is a savings account that the association can dip into for unexpected or irregular expenses.

Capital gains

No capital gains tax is levied on the profits realized on the sale of Dutch real estate owned by a nonresident individual unless the nonresident individual is engaged in a trade or business in the Netherlands and the real estate is one of the capital assets of the business.

See also

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